José Antonio JOSEPH Calcaño Young


Res. El Parque. Suite 2-A Calle Motatán con Morichal. Urb. El Marqués Caracas 1070
58 212239-8373 & 584126109963
WatsApp /Telegram: 58412610996
Most Recent Training Program:
'98 Santa Cruz
Professional Title or NLP Institute:
President Serendipity International Business Community
Comunidad Internacional de Negocios

NLP Qualification:
Certified NLP Consultant and Trainer. (NLP University)
Certified NLP Master Practitioner in Business & Leadership (NLP University.)
Certified NLP Practitioner. (NLP Comprehensive.)
Presentation Skills for NLP Trainners. (NLP University.)
Certified Wealthy MindTM International Trainer
Certified Trainer of Identity Compass Latam
Certified NLP Coach, NLPCA
Certified Coaching Clinic Trainer fron Corporative Coaching, fron Coaching University.

Other Educational or Professional Qualifications:
Actually pursuing Doctoral Degree in Positive Psychology at Graduate university, Washington DC. MBA University of Phoenix Arizona October 2006 to 2009 Idaho State University. School of Business Administration: Management and Organization.
Idaho State University. School of Journalism: Advertising & Public Relations.
Southeastern Louisiana University. School of Business Administration. Marketing and Business Administration.
Louisiana Tech University. School of Business Administration: Self Developed Program: Entreprenurial Counseling, Small Business Consultant for Minorities.
Universidad Simón Bolivar. Graduate School of Psichology, School of Human Technology: Asessment and Human Development,
Specialist Studies.
Erick Berne Institute (Venezuela). Transactional Analysis for Organizations, under Dr. Luis Antonio Maggy Calcaño. Clinica Avila, Caracas. (One year program).
Organización CEI-SH: Research & Training Center in Humas Systems. Dr. Manuel Barroso & Team: Two year program in Consulting: Organizational Process

Professional areas that you apply NLP to:
Organizational Therapy.
Beliefs Change for Entrepreneurs and Wealthy Mind Program

Training Human Skills for Business and Life, under the slogan: "An ounce of vivential practice is worth more that a ton of theory"
Habilidades y Destrezas Humanas para el Trabajo y la Vida, bajo el lema: "Más vale un gramo de vivencia práctica que una tonelada de teoría"

Significant accomplishments and contributions:
Presidente del Grupo Didáctico Calcaño Naranjo:
A-. Top In Company Training Solutions.(All based in NLP)
B-. Instituto Internacional de PNL Sistémica & Networking Center for GTC Members
C.- Open Training Solutions
D.- Fundación Dr. Rafael Calcaño Ruiz.
Niños y Democracia, futuro del País

Ongoing projects and research:
Opening new 4 countries for the Serendipity Comunidad Internacional de Negocios. Ecuador, Paraguay, Perú,Colombia.
Specific skills and resources you have to contribute to the community:
The practical every day use of the NLP Presuppositions in my life.
People Skills Training
NLP Training applied to life and work as Coach

Mission Statement:
As a entrepreneur, be intelligent soldier of democracy & free enterprise, that lives the NLP presuppositions, helps people to be more effective, happy, productive in work and life, be healthy physically. mental and spiritual, loving husband, father, grand father, a learner and a doer.
Metaphor for my mission:
Gardener, sower of human skills for personal growth effectiveness and happiness at work and life. Sembrador de habilidades y destrezas para el trabajo y la vida. & Más vale un gramo de vivencia practica que una tonelada de teoría. An ounce of practical experience is better than a ton of theory
Languages Spoken:
English & Spanish.
Other information (personal trivia, etc.):
Like to walk, swim, Krav Maga, Yoga, meditation.
Where geographically are you willing to travel:
All Central, South America, Spain

If your information is in error, missing or incomplete please go to Member Login.

This page was last updated 2023-10-10
This page and all contents copyright © 2009-2013 Robert B. Dilts, Santa Cruz, CA. All rights reserved.